Medicare Part D: The Medicare prescription drug benefit program. We call this program “Part D” for short. Medicare Part D covers outpatient prescription drugs, vaccines, and some supplies not covered by Medicare Part A or Medicare Part B or Medical Assistance. Our plan includes Medicare Part D.Medicare Part A: The Medicare program that covers most medically necessary hospital, skilled nursing facility, home health, and hospice care.
Medicare Part B: The Medicare program that covers services (such as lab tests, surgeries, and doctor visits) and supplies (such as wheelchairs and walkers) that are medically necessary to treat a disease or condition. Medicare Part B also covers many preventive and screening services.
Medical Assistance: This is the name of Minnesota’s Medicaid program. Medical Assistance is run by the state and is paid for by the state and the federal government. It helps people with limited incomes and resources pay for long-term services and supports and medical costs.
It covers extra services and some drugs not covered by Medicare. Medicaid programs vary from state to state, but most health care costs are covered if you qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid.

Coverage Determinations, Appeals and Exceptions

A coverage decision is a decision we make about your benefits, coverage or the amount we’ll pay for your medical services or medicine. This decision is also called an organization determination when it is about a Part C medical benefit. It is called a coverage determination when it relates to a Part D prescription drug.

Part C Organization Determination

An organization determination is when South Country Health Alliance makes any decision regarding whether items or services are covered or how much you have to pay for covered items or services. Organization determinations are also called “coverage decisions” in the AbilityCare Member Handbook. Go to Chapter 9, Section 5 in your Member Handbook for a more detailed explanation, or call Member Services and we can assist you.

How to Request an Organization Determination

  • You can call us at 1-866-567-7242 (TTY 1-800-627-3529 or 711)
  • You can fax us at 1-507-431-6328
  • You can write us at:
    Member Services
    South Country Health Alliance
    6380 West Frontage Road
    Medford, MN 55049

Part D Coverage Determination or Appeals

If your health care provider or pharmacist tells you that we will not cover a prescription drug or charges you more than you think your copay should be, you or your provider may contact us and ask for a Coverage Determination. The following are examples of when you can ask us for a Coverage Determination:

  • If there is a limit on the quantity (or dose) of a drug and you disagree with the limit
  • If there is a requirement that you try another drug before we will pay for the drug you are asking for
  • If the copay for a drug is higher than expected
  • If the drug is listed as non-formulary

If you or your provider do not agree with the outcome of the initial Coverage Determination, you or your provider may appeal the decision by having your provider request a Coverage Redetermination. This is also called an Appeal.

The process for requesting a Coverage Determination is discussed in more detail in Chapter 9 of your Member Handbook, "What to do if you have a problem or complaint (coverage decisions, Appeals, and complaints)."

AbilityCare Member Materials
2024 MaterialsLast Updated
Enrollment FormPDF11/22/23
Member Handbook
Annual Notice of ChangesPDF10/15/23
Summary of BenefitsPDF10/15/23
Pre-Enrollment ChecklistPDF10/5/23
List of Covered Drugs (Formulary)PDF9/1/24
Formulary UpdatesPDF9/1/24
Provider and Pharmacy DirectoryWeb PageSee link
Medicare Star RatingsPDF (English)
PDF (Español)
LIS Premium Summary ChartPDF10/15/23
CMS Best Available Evidence CoverageWeb Page (external link)
Covered Diabetic Testing SuppliesPDF7/17/24

How to Request a Coverage Determination or Redetermination (Appeal)

There are 3 ways to request a Coverage Determination or Redetermination (Appeal). Any one of these 3 ways will be accepted.

  1. By Phone
    If you call us, we may need to get more information from your prescribing health care provider. Start by calling Member Services.
  2. By Mail or Fax
    You and your prescribing health care provider can print and mail or fax one of the forms shown on the right.

    • Mail:
      South Country Health Alliance
      Attn: Health Services – Coverage Determinations
      6380 West Frontage Road
      Medford, MN 55049
    • Fax:
      South Country Health Alliance
      Standard Appeal: 1-855-446-7895
      Expedited (fast) Appeal: 1-855-446-7896
  3. Online
    You and your prescribing health care provider can fill out and submit the required information online. The links to the online forms are located in the list on the right.

Types of Coverage Determination Requests

  • Formulary Exception: Used to ask for coverage for a drug that is not on the formulary (not covered). Formulary Exceptions are necessary for certain drugs that are eligible for coverage under the Medicare Part D benefit but not included on your formulary. Your health care provider must submit a Request for Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage Determination to South Country for approval. If the request is not approved by the health plan, you have the option to appeal the decision.
  • Prior Authorization Request: You must get our approval for some drugs before they will be covered. This is called prior authorization. Prior authorization is only needed for certain drugs. If the List of Covered Drugs indicates that you need a prior authorization for a specific drug, your health care provider must submit a prior authorization request form for approval. If the request is not approved, please remember that you always have the option to purchase the drug at your own expense.
  • Quantity Limits Exception: Quantity limits are applied to some drugs based on the approved dosing limits established during the FDA approval process. Quantity limits are applied to the number of units dispensed for each prescription. If the List of Covered Drugs indicates that there is a quantity limit for a specific drug, your health care provider must submit a quantity limit exception form for approval. If the request is not approved you have the option to appeal the decision.
  • Step Therapy Exception: Step therapy is used for some drugs. Step therapy requires you to try one or more drugs before coverage of a different drug is provided. If the List of Covered Drugs reflects that step therapy is used for a specific drug, your health care provider must submit a step therapy exception form for approval. If the request is not approved, please remember that you always have the option to purchase the drug at your own expense.

How to request we pay you back for a drug you have already paid for

If you have already paid for Part D drugs covered by the plan, you can ask our plan to pay you back for our share of the cost. Use the Part D Prescription Drug Claim Form above to ask us to pay you back for the plan’s share of the cost of your Part D drugs. See Chapter 7 in your Member Handbook for more information.

CMS Appointment of Representative

You may choose someone to act on your behalf. You may choose someone such as a relative, friend, sponsor, lawyer, or a doctor. A court may also appoint someone. You and the person you choose must sign, date, and complete a representative statement (see link to form below). A request may also be made in a written letter. If you are legally not of sound mind or are incapacitated, the representative can complete and sign the statement. The representative needs to have the appropriate legal papers or legal authority to sign for you. If you choose a lawyer, only you need to sign the representative statement. The representative statement must include your name and Medicare number. You can use Form CMS-1696-U4 (see link to form below) or SSA-1696-U4, Appointment of Representative. You can also find this form at Social Security offices, although it is not required.

Coverage Determination and Appeals Documents or Links
2024Last updated
Request for Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage DeterminationPDF

Online (External Website)
Part D Prior Authorization CriteriaPDF9/1/24
Part D Step Therapy CriteriaPDF9/1/24
Request for Redetermination of Medicare Prescription Drug DenialPDF (English)

PDF (Español)

Online (External Website)
Part D Prescription Drug Claim FormPDF10/20/23

These forms from the Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) can be used by all Medicare Part D prescribers and members.

H2419, H5703_6493 Approved

SeniorCare Complete and AbilityCare are health plans that contract with both Medicare and the Minnesota Medical Assistance Program (Medicaid) to provide benefits of both programs to enrollees. Enrollment in either plan depends on contract renewal.

Last Updated on 12/28/2023 by

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