Medicare Part D: The Medicare prescription drug benefit program. We call this program “Part D” for short. Medicare Part D covers outpatient prescription drugs, vaccines, and some supplies not covered by Medicare Part A or Medicare Part B or Medical Assistance. Our plan includes Medicare Part D.Medicare Part A: The Medicare program that covers most medically necessary hospital, skilled nursing facility, home health, and hospice care.
Medicare Part B: The Medicare program that covers services (such as lab tests, surgeries, and doctor visits) and supplies (such as wheelchairs and walkers) that are medically necessary to treat a disease or condition. Medicare Part B also covers many preventive and screening services.
Medical Assistance: This is the name of Minnesota’s Medicaid program. Medical Assistance is run by the state and is paid for by the state and the federal government. It helps people with limited incomes and resources pay for long-term services and supports and medical costs.
It covers extra services and some drugs not covered by Medicare. Medicaid programs vary from state to state, but most health care costs are covered if you qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid.

Directory Request Form

Provider Directory Request Form

Use this form to request a printed copy of one of the provider directories from South Country Health Alliance.
Please complete the form below.

Who are you?(Required)

If "Other" please describe.
Which directory do you want to request?
The following main directories include primary care, specialty care, urgent care, hospitals, nursing homes, behavioral health (mental health and substance use disorders), home care, PCA, audiology, vision, dental, physical therapy, chiropractic care, and pharmacies.

For printed directories, you must enter your name and mailing address. For electronic directories, enter your email address. Please note that you can download directories directly from the website. Because our main directories are large electronic files, we may not be able to email them to you. In that case, we will send you a link to download them.

First Name
Last Name
Mailing Address - where we will send the directory
Your phone number is optional. We will not use this number for any other purpose except to contact you if we have trouble sending you a directory.
If our directory files are too large to email, we will send you a link to download them. You can also download them directly by using the links on the directory page.

We may contact you by email if we have trouble sending a printed directory to your address.
This form will be sent securely to Member Services at when you click "Submit." If you need help or have questions, call Member Services at 1-866-567-7242 (TTY users call 1-800-627-3529). The call is free.

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