South Country Health Alliance members may be eligible for non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) services to help them get to and from their health care appointments. RideConnect offers safe and reliable rides to covered medical, behavioral health and dental appointments.
Unassisted Transportation Services
Unassisted transportation is also known as common carrier. Unassisted transportation includes non-emergency medical transportation provided by volunteer drivers, buses, taxis and other commercial carriers.
Assisted Transportation Services
Assisted transportation is non-emergency medical transportation for people who have a physical or mental impairment and are not able to safely use unassisted transportation services. With assisted transportation, the driver provides direct assistance to help members get into and out of a vehicle, as well as to and from their appointment. Assisted transportation also includes ambulatory, wheelchair and stretcher services.
Members must be authorized to use assisted transportation before South Country Health Alliance will cover the cost. South Country Health Alliance will help members complete an assessment to determine if they are eligible for assisted transportation.
South Country Health Alliance members enrolled in the following programs may be eligible to use RideConnect transportation if they do not have access to their own transportation:
- Families & Children (formerly PMAP)
- Minnesota Senior Care Plus (MSC+)
- SingleCare (SNBC)
- SharedCare (SNBC)
- AbilityCare (HMO SNP)
- SeniorCare Complete (HMO SNP)
- MinnesotaCare – Must be a child under age 19
A parent or legal guardian needs to sign a parental authorization to allow any minor younger than 18 years of age to receive non-emergency medical transportation without being accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Use this form: Minor Parental Authorization Consent Form (pdf).
Mileage and gas reimbursement is not covered by South Country Health Alliance for members with their own vehicle. However, this may be available through another source. Call your county for more information.
Using RideConnect
Scheduling a Ride
To schedule a ride Monday through Friday, call Member Services at least 72 hours (3 days) before your appointment during business hours. We may not be able to schedule a ride with less than 72-hour notice, and you may need to reschedule your appointment. RideConnect is not available during weekends.
You will need the following information when scheduling your ride:
- South Country Health Alliance member ID number
- Your phone number and pick-up address
- Appointment date, start and finish time
- Drop-off location name, address, and phone number
Canceling or Changing a Ride
If your schedule changes or you no longer need a ride, call Member Services 24 hours (1 day) or as soon as possible before your scheduled pick-up time to change or cancel your ride. Please be courteous and respectful to the driver and other South Country members who need rides. Take the time to cancel your ride if you no longer need the transportation.
Covered Rides, Same Day Appointments and Emergencies
Covered Visits
You can get rides to covered medical, dental, mental health, chemical dependency, pharmacy and durable medical equipment visits.
Rides Not Covered
Transportation may not be covered if it is to a place or for a service that South Country Health Alliance does not cover, or if the member’s coverage with South Country Health Alliance is not active on the date of the ride.
Urgent Care or Same Day Clinic
Rides to urgent care or same day care are based on provider availability.
Call 911. South Country Health Alliance covers emergency ambulance services.

Are you a Transportation provider?
The documents below are for you:
Last Updated on 04/02/2024 by Chris Gartner